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Fourth Trimester

Fourth Trimester

The problem with your mother-in-law

“Every 1.5 hours? No honey that’s way too often, you obviously don’t have enough milk if he's crying and wanting to feed that often.” Says your mother-in-law. She’s had 5 kids, she must know what she is talking about. “She’s got colic. That amount of crying isn’t normal.” Says your…
Shannon McLaughlin
September 16, 2018
EncouragementFourth Trimester

Don’t put me in a box.

I was inspired to write this post after reading Carly Shankman’s “Don’t put me in a box” post last week. What kind of a Mom are you? Are you a hippy Mom? A modern Mom? A traditional Mom? A go-with-the-flow Mom? A by-the-book Mom? We’ve all been given some type…
Shannon McLaughlin
February 21, 2016