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Samantha Aitken

This article was written by Samantha Aitken.


Though she be but little, she is fierce…

Photo © MooMoo Kids I am rapidly learning that every day with a little human is a school day. Not only are they learning new things seemingly every day, but we, as their parents, are too. We sometimes might think we’ve got it all together and have some sort of…
Samantha Aitken
May 20, 2018
BabywearingPapa Bears

The Ubuntu Papa

There is absolutely nothing sweeter than seeing a dad wearing his babe. Those teeny, tiny sparrow legs peeking out of a carrier against a man’s big frame is just so special. When a baby is born, some dads can feel a little like the third wheel in this new relationship.…
Samantha Aitken
August 14, 2017

When motherhood feels like too much

Motherhood is a big change, you will never be the person you once were, and that's ok. But it takes a while sitting in between who you were and who you've become to be really happy inside. When I first had my babe I felt overwhelmed, unsure and had no…
Samantha Aitken
July 3, 2017