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Shannon McLaughlin

Shannon is the Founder of Ubuntu Baba baby carriers. She is passionate about helping new parents adjust to 'life with baby' through the art of babywearing and talking about the reality of motherhood in the 21st century.


New Year, New Owner!

As we approach our 9th birthday on Feb 13 2024, I wanted you to be the first to know about some very big news... After much consideration over the past 3 years, I have been working to find the right buyer for Ubuntu Baba, to take our brand to the…
Shannon McLaughlin
February 5, 2024

I’m only three

Toddlers are hard. Really hard. They talk about the terrible two's but for me, those never really arrived. I had the terrible first month, and second month and basically first year. Because I just didn't realize how much of a slap in the face motherhood really would be for me.…
Shannon McLaughlin
April 21, 2019

Motherhood in an #instaperfect world

My son is now 4, which means I get to shower alone most of the time. Sometimes he is sitting there watching me, shouting things like "poop-bum" and then falling over and laughing his head off because he can see my bum... but other times, I'm alone. Alone in the…
Shannon McLaughlin
November 11, 2018
Fourth Trimester

The problem with your mother-in-law

“Every 1.5 hours? No honey that’s way too often, you obviously don’t have enough milk if he's crying and wanting to feed that often.” Says your mother-in-law. She’s had 5 kids, she must know what she is talking about. “She’s got colic. That amount of crying isn’t normal.” Says your…
Shannon McLaughlin
September 16, 2018

Where am I in these pics?

I’m so tired. Is it even possible to be this tired? I scroll through old photos on my phone, photos from like 5 years ago. My skin was plump and glowing. The bags under my eyes, ok they were still there, but they weren’t THIS dark. There were so many…
Shannon McLaughlin
September 9, 2018

Dear pregnant me

I don’t know why it’s taken me so long to write this post for you. I’ve been meaning to do it since day 1 of lying in that hospital bed, feeling like I’d been dropped out of an aeroplane at 10,000 feet into an unknown land, with nobody to tell…
Shannon McLaughlin
July 8, 2018

Want more me time? Read this.

Photo: @stehanbotha @janielbotha When I started this business back in 2015, I knew that our Stage 1 carriers would be a product that other Moms would love, because it was so comfy for me and I knew other Moms were struggling with the same 'baby carrying' issues that I was...…
Shannon McLaughlin
June 18, 2018

Babywearing: A Gateway Drug

The thing about babywearing, is that it’s kind of like a gateway drug to attachment parenting. You can’t help but continue to cuddle them... and then all of a sudden they’re big and it’s too late... you’re in too deep and you just can’t stop the cuddles! This photo was taken…
Shannon McLaughlin
May 27, 2018