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Shannon McLaughlin

Shannon is the Founder of Ubuntu Baba baby carriers. She is passionate about helping new parents adjust to 'life with baby' through the art of babywearing and talking about the reality of motherhood in the 21st century.


They said I’d forget, but I remember

Those nights that seemed to never end. Rocking, feeding, changing, cuddling, standing, swaying, walking, crying, screaming... both him and I. I remember the fake smiles I gave when the camera came out. I desperately wanted to be happy, but it felt like such an effort. I remember telling everyone I…
Shannon McLaughlin
April 15, 2018
Sleep Deprivation

Dear Mama in the 4th trimester

Being in the industry that I'm in, I'm exposed to a lot of new Moms and babies. Most often that not, I'm rather surprised at how well they're coping. Because in comparison to my memory of the 4th trimester, they seem to be doing pretty good. When I think back,…
Shannon McLaughlin
March 11, 2018

What is it with this Mom guilt?

I'm not going to lie, my 3 year old is currently challenging me like I've never been challenged before. I consider myself a gentle parent, but these past few days... phew, I've had some low moments. What is it with this Mom guilt? Does it ever go away? I watched…
Shannon McLaughlin
October 23, 2017
Support Local

Locally made baby products that rock!

I always swore that my house would NOT be taken over by baby crap lying all over the show. We started out pretty well, but by 6 months of age we had accumulated a ridiculous collection. And it was everywhere! Gifts, silly spur of the moment purchases that I thought would…
Shannon McLaughlin
August 10, 2017
Birth Stories

Coming to terms with my story

Photo by Annie Kruyer. Boobs, sex, birth stories. You might be thinking these are 3 weird subjects to put together. But hear me out. So before I had a baby I loved my boobs. When I fell pregnant, I loved my boobs even more. 2 extra cup sizes? Yes please!…
Shannon McLaughlin
July 25, 2017