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Ubuntu Baba Baby Carriers | South Africa
Lessons Learned

7 Reflections on my 2nd year as a Mom

"I can't believe he's turning 2 years old, where has the time gone?" is what most of my friends and family have been saying lately. Well just check out these grey hairs and these rings under my eyes... and I can tell you a couple stories about where the time has gone!…
Shannon McLaughlin
August 16, 2016
Ubuntu Baba Baby Carriers | South Africa
Special Projects

Project Wrap Conversion!

When I first discovered babywearing I had no idea how deep the rabbit hole would go. Just under 2 years later and here I am literally losing my mind over a woven wrap conversion we just made, if you don't know exactly what that is yet... here's a little behind the…
Shannon McLaughlin
July 31, 2016
Ubuntu Baba Baby Carriers | South Africa

It was all worth it, for this one moment.

My best friend is currently 38 weeks pregnant. I see her cute big bump as she waddles around uncomfortably, waiting... and waiting... I remember those days. They seemed to go on forever and ever. I remember thinking to myself: "Just arrive already! Let's do this baby!" But I don't think anyone can…
Shannon McLaughlin
April 20, 2016
Ubuntu Baba Baby Carriers | South Africa
EncouragementFourth Trimester

Don’t put me in a box.

I was inspired to write this post after reading Carly Shankman’s “Don’t put me in a box” post last week. What kind of a Mom are you? Are you a hippy Mom? A modern Mom? A traditional Mom? A go-with-the-flow Mom? A by-the-book Mom? We’ve all been given some type…
Shannon McLaughlin
February 21, 2016
Ubuntu Baba Baby Carriers | South Africa

You know you’re a Mom when…

Sometimes being a Mom makes me want to throw a tantrum like a toddler. Take my afternoon yesterday... my little man has been teething and I'm pretty sure it's those darn eye teeth, so his appetite has not been as amazing as usual. I decided to put some extra effort in…
Shannon McLaughlin
January 21, 2016
Ubuntu Baba Baby Carriers | South Africa

Before I was a Mom…

I thought moms that had c-sections were too posh to push. I thought moms that didn't breastfeed were lazy. I thought moms that co-slept had no sex life. I thought moms that only wanted one child were selfish. I thought stay at home moms were spoilt and had 'the life'. I thought moms…
Shannon McLaughlin
October 29, 2015